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jigdo/debian-cd mirror layout standards

On Sat, 2002-07-20 at 04:53, Adam Conrad wrote:
> 1. Need an "official" layout for CD mirrors to maintain consistency.

OK, my current thoughts on CD image mirrors are that they should be laid
out as the current 2.2 CDs are, but that we might as well dump the
potato_test stuff, so we end up with:


so the image names are now longer (and match what jigdo produces), but
otherwise pretty unsurprising.

Note that the jigdo files have "src" in their names at present
(woody-src-1.jigdo).  I could fix that if it upsets people, because it
does introduce special cases into scripts, but I probably ought have
thought of that before, so we might already be too late.  Sorry.

> 2. hardlink tree or other magic so you can have a jigdo-area without
> snapshot/ directories.  (calling it "debian-jigdo" or something for
> consistency with other mirror components might not be a bad idea)

Fair enough, I like the debian-jigdo name.  I wish you'd mentioned that
before all the URLs had been fixed as jigdo-area.  :-/

OK, for rsync on cdimage.d.o, the thing to mirror is "debian-jigdo".

I'll sort out the http url's to match that for 3.0_r1, if it's possible
to do painlessly, which I think it will be. 

> 3. End-user-oriented README in "debian-jigdo" so that mirrors who choose
> to replace their debian-cd mirror with a jigdo tree won't completely
> confuse their users.

'Tis done.  Comments, improvements on the text are welcome --- it is
available as rsync://cdimage.debian.org/debian-jigdo/README.txt

Cheers, Phil.

> ... Adam
> --
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