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Re: Comments on installing Pre 14 Disk #1

[Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim]
> I am not sure if this belongs to debian-cd or debian-user;
> please let me know. It is not so clear for me what
> "/CD/faq/#mailing-list" suggests on this issue.

I do not know if we are on the correct mailinglist, but I do have some
comments on your issues.

> - debconf: I was never asked about to set the level of debconf. 
>   Therefore I had to run "dpkg-reconfigure debconf" to set it. 
>   May I know where/how to report this issue?

The reason for this is that debconf now is installed noninteractively
by debootstrap, and that base-config never tries to reconfigure the
package after installation.  I'm not sure if it should reconfigure it.
It does for the passwd package, for obvious reasons, but is debconf
level important enough for adding another question to the installation

> - gpm: is not in disk#1 :-(. I like gpm, because it is more
>   convinient when setting the X11 server (to test if the mouse 
>   works). Meanwhile, I have no idea for what "tcsh" is.
>   May I know where/how to report this issue?

I do not know why gpm is missing from the CD, but I do know that gpm
previously could make the installation hang when installing on
machines with no PS/2 mouse.

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