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jigdo 0.6.8

Hi all,

I have just released Jigsaw Download 0.6.8. jigdo is a scheme which
makes it possible to download Debian CD images from any regular Debian
FTP mirror, instead of getting them from one of the fewer and slower
CD image mirrors.

This release is mostly to fix the bug found by Manty.

What's new?
  - jigdo-lite/mirror use "jigdo-file --no-cache" when reading
    downloaded files from tmp dir. Cache caused problems because ATM
    the Debian mirrors contain two different "driver-4.bin" files with
    identical timestamps. (Santiago Garcia Mantinan)
  - jigdo-lite uses "wget -e continue=off" for people who put
    continue=on into their wgetrc. (Iain Broadfoot)
  - At long last, succeeded in fully porting glibwww to Windows
  - Fixed bug in md5sum generation, which might lead to incorrect
    md5sums being generated, but in practice never has.

Where is it?
Jigdo homepage:           <http://atterer.net/jigdo/>
Source code:              <http://atterer.net/jigdo/jigdo-0.6.8.tar.bz2>
Statically linked binary: <http://atterer.net/jigdo/jigdo-bin-0.6.8.tar.bz2>
Downloading Debian CDs:   <http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/>

Apt-able i386 .debs are at:
deb http://home.in.tum.de/~atterer/debian unstable jigdo
NB the jigdo deb depends on libwww 5.4.0 which is stuck in incoming...



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  Universität München, Germany  |  0x888354F7
  ¯ '` ¯

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