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Re: Suggestion - when jigdo fails. (also: speed improvements)

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:50:13PM +0100, Richard Atterer wrote:
> But just now a relatively elegant solution occurred to me which allows
> me to use the fallbacks *and* download 10 files at a time. I'll change
> the next version of jigdo-lite to work like that. It'll also solve the
> problem of *modified* (rather than disappeared) files on servers.

Cool! Sometimes all you need is someone like me to ask a dumb question..

> > > 2) allow the entry/selection of multiple mirrors, so that I can
> > > distribute my load aross multiple mirrors.
> I see no way to do this with the current jigdo-lite. Eventually, I
> hope to finish the jigdo GUI app which will do efficient HTTP
> pipelining and maybe also concurrent downloads from 2 servers.

Hmm, I see what you mean; using multiple servers *concurrently* would
be a major change in jigdo-lite. I was just thinking of rotating
through various mirrors on each call to wget, so as to download fewer
total megabtyes from each server. I thought I would take the file list
output by jigdo-file, use sed to replace the mirrors with "USMIRROR/"
or "NONusMIRROR/", and then, within fetch(), read a url and replace
those strings with a mirror uri selected from a list (probably using
sed again, in reverse). Now I'm not sure whether it's worth it though;
most mirrors manage their own bandwidth to what they consider
acceptable limits on their own.


-(-- John

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