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Re: Suggestion - when jigdo fails. (also: speed improvements)

On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 08:19:59PM -0500, jvmatl@mindspring.com wrote:
> (I know what rsync is, but there's not enough information there to
> tell me what to rsync from where, how do I know what files I want,
> etc.)

Yes, the description is a bit short... the rsync URLs for woody images
are listed on <http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#testing>, for potato
on <http://www.debian.org/CD/mirroring/rsync-mirrors>.

> [snip] but I specified a different mirror site (for both US and
> non-US), and the files were found: the process ran to completion and
> the ISO checksummed correctly!
> So: I just wanted to share that in case others have similar problems
> using jigdo, since -- if it works for you -- it's so much easier
> (and faster) than restarting the download or trying to figure out
> what you're supposed to be rsyncing.

You're right, I should probably put this on the web page as well. Note
that the infamous "Aargh" message does mention that changing servers
is possible:

    Aaargh - not all files could be downloaded. This should not
    happen! Depending on the problem, it may help to restart the
>>> Also, you could try changing to another Debian or Non-US server,
>>> in case the one you used was not updated recently.

    However, if all the files downloaded without errors and you still
    get this message, it means that the files changed on the server. 
    For the moment, in the case of Debian CD images the only solution
    when that happens is to revert to rsync.

    Press Return to restart.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:56:54AM +0100, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 jvmatl@mindspring.com wrote:
> > 1) ask wget for more than one file at a time, to reduce the ftp
> >    login overhead, and
> I was under the impression that it already did this, getting 5 or 10
> files at a time. I might have read something wrong though.

Early versions did that, but I changed it to single downloads around
v0.6.2 or so, in order to be able to "fall back" to an alternative
download location in case the first one gives a 404.

But just now a relatively elegant solution occurred to me which allows
me to use the fallbacks *and* download 10 files at a time. I'll change
the next version of jigdo-lite to work like that. It'll also solve the
problem of *modified* (rather than disappeared) files on servers.

> > 2) allow the entry/selection of multiple mirrors, so that I can
> > distribute my load aross multiple mirrors.

I see no way to do this with the current jigdo-lite. Eventually, I
hope to finish the jigdo GUI app which will do efficient HTTP
pipelining and maybe also concurrent downloads from 2 servers.

BTW, is anybody willing to help me by ripping the HTTP/FTP code out of
Mozilla? It's the *only* code out there with high performance, IPv6
capability, multi-threading, and good portability. I could really do
with some help. OK, it was worth a try... ;-(



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  Universität München, Germany  |  0x888354F7
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