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Re: cvs commit to debian-cd by costar

Le Wed, May 09, 2001 at 03:55:17PM +0100, Wookey écrivait:
> This is not good. Is it really not going to be possible to have one version
> sof debian-cd that can make both potato or woody CDs depening on some config
> option?

Yes you can, but they won't be official CDs since your potato CDs built
the woody debian-cd will include things that were not included in potato
and that will break potato apt-cdrom ... thus your potato CDs will be
unusable unless you include some updated stuff.

> I can accept that it is harder to make debian-cd do both potao and woody
> style builds that just one or the other, but I find it hard to believe this
> its so hard as to be 'not reasonable'. Can someone explain what is so
> difficult about it?

Look at the source. It's already a big mess because I tried one time to
keep the same source for building slink & potato CD (and it worked) but
now the code is full of if [ "$CODENAME" = "slink" ] and such horrible

debian-cd is complicated enough with the various build combinations (mini
cd, extra non free, nonus on cd 1, ...). The code doesn't need to be even
more clobbered with special case for each distribution ...

We already have some specific things for each dist (like setting up the
boot stuff).

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
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