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Re: cvs commit to debian-cd by costar

Le Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:52:54PM +0200, J.A. Bezemer écrivait:
> partially tested changes that have more effects than you seem to see. People
> expect debian-cd-latest-CVS to produce correct and usable CDs for any Debian
> version and any architecture. Well, nothing of that seems to be true at the

Let me say that this is quite impossible. Latest CVS debian-cd builds good
image of the latest Debian version. You can't expect it to build all
version of Debian correctly since we do so many changes to the structure
of our mirror that it's simply not reasonable to expect that.

When I release a version as a package I usually try to not forget to tag
them ... those tags are a good start to start a branch for maintaining
debian-cd for old versions of Debian. A bit like you did (it's only that
you hadn't those tags because you wanted latest and greatest from what was
in CVS).

But please let HEAD be the main development tree ...

> Sorry, I'm just a big bit annoyed. I spent half a day checking, cross-
> checking, testing and tinkering to determine what was needed for rev3 and what
> wasn't. That's not something I'd like to do again. 

For sure, i'll try to not forget tagging files before doing big changes
so that it will be easy to get the latest working version. 

> However I do expect you to clean up this mess so that we can just use HEAD for
> the 2.2 rev4 images. I consider the off22r3 tags as temporary workaround
> (which is why I called it specifically "rev3" rather than "potato").

What changes do you want for 2.2r4 ? I expect the code from 2.2r3 to still
work when 2.2r4 comes out ...

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