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Re: Re-re-rsync vs. batch ftp

On Thu, 3 May 2001 pkube@umich.edu wrote:

> I have a local copy of 2.2r2 and I'm using (or should I say, 'attempting to 
> use') pik2 under win98 to upgrade my image to 2.2r3 for burning.
> The pseudo-image portion of the pik2 works fine; my problem is with rsync. 
> For various reasons, my rsync transfer of the .iso images has been 
> interrupted, and it seems that, upon reconnect, rsync wants to restart from 
> the beginning rather than merrily resume like any good ftp program. Given 
> my fairly unreliable connection and rsyncs antics, I've restarted my iso 
> rsyncs about a dozen times now; I'm starting to think 'rsync' stands for 
> re-re-re-sync... ;-)
> First of all, if I'm missing something in rsync, please let me know, but 
> this ordeal has made me wonder if another path is better. Is there a way to 
> batch-ftp (rather than rsync) the contents *.list files (ignoring the ones 
> I already have, of course)? This method would allow progress even with a 
> break in connection.

(From what you're saying, I assume you're trying to rsync a 2.2 rev2 .iso file
into a rev3 .iso, without using make-pseudo-image. And even if I get it
wrong, this might be useful ;-)

You have observed correctly that rsync is not able to restart where it left
off. This is a known problem of rsync (could probably be fixed, but that would
get quite complex), so that's why we want to rsync as little as possible.
This is especially a "problem" with rev2->rev3, since quite many packages went
to other CDs.

So it's an excellent suggestion to use the .list files and your old rev2 CDs
to get the bulk of the data. make-pseudo-image should handle that easily, but
you need burned CDs in your CD-ROM drive (say, E:) (i.e. the .iso file
can't be used here). For example for the Binary-1 CD:

Insert rev2 Binary-1 CD in drive, type command

  C:\SCRATCH> make-pseudo-image binary-i386-1_NONUS.list E:\

Insert rev2 Binary-2 CD in drive, type command

  C:\SCRATCH> make-pseudo-image binary-i386-1_NONUS.list E:\

Insert rev2 Binary-3 CD in drive, type command

  C:\SCRATCH> make-pseudo-image binary-i386-1_NONUS.list E:\

Now you've got everything possible from the CDs, get the rest from an FTP
mirror (you've got one very close):

  C:\SCRATCH> make-pseudo-image binary-i386-1_NONUS.list ftp://ftp.eecs.umich.edu/debian/

(in case it gets wrapped: that's all on one single line)

Then rename the pseudo-image to binary-i386-1_NONUS.iso and rsync like you did
before; this should not transfer much more than 10MB.

And as always: more info in the README and http://cdimage.debian.org/faq.html
and http://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/pseudo-image-kit/ .

  Anne Bezemer

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