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"unimaging" cd images

> > I have a similar question:
> >   Is there a way to update a pseudo mirror by using a CD-ROM?
> >   More precisely, is there a script to restore a CD-ROM
> >   into the pool + symlinks?
> > 
> > This would be useful for developing countries where many
> > links are less than 64 kbps.
> not a script i guess, but there might be a way to mount an iso up,
> extract packages from it - get a listing from a current debian
> mirror and then munge the files extracted into the "right"
> directories they should be in.

> it's do-able even with a 64Kbps link - but the problem is that
> it's a one off - i don't think you can use it to keep the pseudo
> mirror up to date given the volume of debian changes.

Not with a full mirror but with a partial one, restricted to one dist
and arch and maybe just the development packages. My scrip "debiansynch"
also produces an outfile so that you can synchronize a snapshot over
i.e. a week. All depends on how long packages stay on a Debian mirror
and this shouldn't be a problem with the pool.

My script "debianpool" even helps you to get rather many symlinks
unfortunately not always in the correct locations. Have a look at "http://www.problemlos.ch/~otti/";.

O. Wyss

PS. Please CC, I'm not on the list.

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