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Re: stuck on local task packages.

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Simon Lyall wrote:

> I'm currently creating a cut-down potato CD with various stuff removed and
> other packages added. I seem to have hit a snag however. I about a dozen
> meta-packages that depend on various debs I would like in my final cd.
> One top of that I have a task package (task-ihug-server) that depends on
> all these meta-pacages. Thus if I install the task package it should load
> a whole bunch of normal pacages in one go.
> My meta and task packages are in dists/local/binary-i386/admin/
> and I added in include with everything to the
> /usr/share/debian-cd/task/Debian_potato  file.
> However the problem seems to be that while the meta packages are all
> included in the CD okay the task package is no where on it. I have tried
> various stuff but I can't seem to make it be included. The idea is that it
> bill be included in the "Simple" option to install extra packages at the
> end so customers have little problem installing the machine.
> Can anybody please point me to where I have missed a step?

If you are creating a small CD, then task-ihug-sever has to be high on the
list.  Also debian-cd is very fussy about what it accepts.  If there is
anything wrong with the package it will not be included.  For example, I
discovered that butchering an existing package just does not work

Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
Mobile 025 267 9420.  I sell GNU/Linux CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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