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Upgrade from 1.3.1

I solved the mount /cdrom problem.  I hadn't updated my thinking from
1.3.1 - it allows whitespace between "defaults,noauto,ro" and this is no
longer allowed.  So the upgrade started OK and then fell over.

I have tweaked my documentation for a CD upgrade to make the process
smoother.  The main changes are, 

1. To split the upgrade into two parts.  There are far fewer problems if
only the first binary CD is scanned for the first stage.  Once this is
clean, then scan the remaining discs to complete the process.

2. Noting and removing unconfigured packages and then selecting them
for the dselect run.

I have been working with a very basic 1.3.1 installations, but more
complex systems should upgrade quite easily if the upgrade is split into
the two stages.

I am including the revised documentation in case anyone is interested.


Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
Mobile 025 267 9420.  I sell GNU/Linux CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz


Upgrading with a CD set.

An upgrade needs a complete set of binary discs.  It is not possible to know 
what people have installed and packages you need may be on disc 3 or 4.
This guide was prepared by making a series of test upgrades from 1.3.1 to 2.2 
so there will be an element of over-kill if you are upgrading from 2.0 or 2.1


You must be logged in as root.  mc makes the first stages easy.

You must be able to mount the CDROM drive with the command "mount /cdrom".
If not, then add a suitable line to /etc/fstab such as
/dev/hdc   /cdrom     auto     defaults,noauto,ro    0   0
(assuming that your CDROM is /dev/hdc).
The directory /etc/rcS.d must exist.  If not, create it.
Your system must be fully functional with all the system partitions mounted.

Stage one.

Mount the CDROM, use mc to go to /dists/stable/main/upgrade-i386
run "dpkg -i dpkg*"  the order of installation is important.
run "dpkg -i apt*"   you have now installed the upgrade tools.

Go to /etc/apt/sources.list and make certain that every line is commented
out with a "#".

Stage two.

Exit mc and run "apt-cdrom add" follow the prompts.  Scan the first CD only
at this stage.
Run "apt-get update", everything is now ready for the initial upgrade.
Run "apt-get -f -u --simulate dist-upgrade |less"  This is a dry run.

Stage three.

Start a script session, i.e. run "script". 
Run "apt-get -f -u dist-upgrade" and watch the upgrade happen.
It is quite likely that apt will exit with an error.  Don't worry, run 
"dpkg --configure -a".  There is a chance that dpkg will also exit with an 
error, don't worry, go back and run "apt-get -f -u dist upgrade".
If there are any un-configured packages at the end of this process note them 
and then remove them with dpkg -r [package-a] [package-b] etc

Run "dpkg --audit".  If it exits quietly, then the system is clean.
Run "update-modules force".  This means that the system can reboot.
Rerun "apt-cdrom add" and scan the remaining binary CDs of your set.
Rerun "apt-get update".
Rerun "apt-get -f -u dist-upgrade" and proceed as before.  Note and remove the
un-configured packages. Rerun dpkg --audit.

Stage four.

Run dselect.  dselect has changed.  Choose "apt" as the means of access and 
then "update" so that dselect knows what is on the CDs.  When you inspect
the select screen you will see that there is a number of packages to installed
and upgraded.  Make certain that packages like locales, tasksel and util-linux 
are installed, if not, select them.  This is the time to select the packages 
that you removed earlier.

Run "install".  With the 1.3.1 to 2.2 upgrade "install" exited with errors 
twice.  This was solved by running "configure" and "remove", and then back
to "install".  When dselect has finished then the upgrade has been completed.
Exit dselect.  Exit script (Ctrl-D).
If there are un-configured packages examine the typescript file to see what 
needs to be done.
Test the completed upgrade with "dpkg --audit".
A complete upgrade has been completed without rebooting - one of the features 
of the Debian packaging system.

Other points.

You may wish to upgrade your kernel.  Do this after completing the upgrade.
This procedure can be used to convert a Corel or Storm system to Debian.

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