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Re: sunsite.org.uk - rsync access to cd-images

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Philip Hands wrote:

> > > You need enough room spare to have two copies of the largest file you're 
> > > rsyncing.
> >  
> > Wouldn't be easier to build an image with YACS and then rsync that?  Or
> > have I missed something?
> I think that's effectively what we're talking about.
>   1) create some sort of image that's close enough
>   2) rsync the official one on top
> It seems that step 1) could probably be achieved by cat-ing the package files 
> together (with a bit of padding), which would probably be fairly quick, and 
> doesn't require anything more than the list of packages.
> We should be able to do this in a simple script, in which case we can have 
> people do it without having them have to install anything more than rsync 
> itself.  That way people that don't actually run Linux might have some chance 
> of doing it, and we could request that our mirrors use it as a mirroring 
> method, especially since all the CD image mirrors generally mirror the full 
> archive too.

I see the main advantage is getting *official* CD images onto a far
greater number of mirrors.  If the mirrors can be persuaded to run the
scripts to create the padded and cat-ed files.  Of course they would have
to be able to use rsync.

As far as the end user is concerned they will either have to download the
CD images or the archive, which would take about the same ammout of time. 
If they download the archive, then they may as well install from that.  A
group of people may want to cooperate and in that case the images would be
the way to go. If I were starting from scratch these days I would do an
ftp install and maintain my system using the same method. 
> Hm,  I wonder how much effort it would be to patch rsync to take a list of 
> extra files from which to try and find the download data.  That way, we could 
> just point rsync at the .deb's in the ftp archive, and it could pick out the 
> data it needed, without the image build step.
Is there a port of rsync for win users?

Phil (the other one).

Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
I sell GNU/Linux CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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