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Re: slink_cd 1.12

OK, get the gin out.

Minor bugs and my butchering.

1. Dangling symlink in slink1/doc.

  change "html,doc"  to "html,txt" in line 1066 of slink_cd
before the addition below

2. Dangling symlinks in upgrade-older-i386/deb-files

3. Missing hello_* files in doc/package-developer

Additions to slink_cd
(this is when you need the gin)
## Phil butcher - an example of how not to do things! (but it works)
## This should start on line 666 of slink_cd
## Remove the dangling symlinks in upgrade-older
rm $TDIR/slink1/dists/slink/main/upgrade-older-i386/deb-files/data*
rm $TDIR/slink1/dists/slink/main/upgrade-older-i386/deb-files/dpkg-dev*
rm $TDIR/slink1/dists/slink/main/upgrade-older-i386/deb-files/dpkg-ftp*
rm $TDIR/slink1/dists/slink/main/upgrade-older-i386/deb-files/libnet*
## The files were rescued from hamm and put in /b5/upgrade-tmp
## Copy the files from ./upgrade-tmp
cp -fp /b5/upgrade-tmp/* \
## I suspect that the hello_* packages are clobbered by flatten
## Remove them now.
rm -f $TDIR/slink1/doc/package-developer/hello_*
## Copy the hello_* packages into place
cp -fp $MIRROR/dists/slink/main/source/devel/hello_* \
## End of butcher

There may be other missing bits and pieces, but I have not picked them up.


Philip Charles; 39a Paterson St., Abbotsford, New Zealand; +64 3 4882818
For Debian GNU/Linux CDs see http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~philipc

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