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Re: iceweasel jessie-kfreebsd-security builds missing


Christoph Egger <christoph@debian.org> writes:
> The idea was to directly upload to jessie-kfreebsd (which is, unlike
> jessie, unstantly visible). This also means the `normal` DM rules apply
> (which they don't for secuity-master).
> Needs properly setup autobuilding for jessie-kfreebsd (non-security)
> though, but Ansgar had some idea and I might be able to implement it.

Just noticed the buildds actually get jessie-kfreebsd builds. Don't
really know if Kurt just did this or it magically worked with the
jessie-kfreebsd-security modifications but that's great anyway!

Also means we can just upload to jessie-kfreebsd in case we need to fix
any of our packages.


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