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Re: Init system for non-Linux ports

On 12/02/2014 12:09, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> There are a few reasons to keep sysvinit scripts maintained for jessie:
> 1. for smoother upgrades from wheezy
> 2. in order to backport jessie packages to wheezy
> 3. for non-Linux (or non-systemd) ports
> So ports are not the only reason.  And yet all of the above points still
> apply to ports;  we'd have to support sysvinit even if we went with
> something else.

If we have to support it anyway, is it really worth spending effort on
Upstart/OpenRC for Jessie?

IMHO it'd be safer to wait and see where things go. For example, are Upstart
developers serious about portability or was this just an experiment? Is
OpenRC going to be adopted by FreeBSD and/or other BSDs?

Robert Millan

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