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Re: zfsutils library packages

On 25/11/2013 07:08, Arno Töll wrote:
> However, keep in mind that some of the libraries we'd package together
> might be used in other FreeBSD native binaries, too - 

Not currently, AFAICT. See my initial mail. They put them in cddl/
directory and restrict their usage to CDDL sources.

> e.g. think of
> dtrace which uses some of them as far as I remember for our port
> attempts on that.

Which ones? I might have missed something, but I don't see any
dependency in any cddl/ directory on those libs.

There's the possibility that a dependency might appear in the future,
but after the death of OpenSolaris, I think it's more likely that
FreeBSD project uses their own libraries to fulfill new requirements
(such as they did with libelf and libdwarf in ctfutils).

> Thing is we /call/ this libzfs, but most of them are really completely
> unrelated to ZFS. They are mostly library functions for more or less
> generic use cases used within the FreeBSD project.

Unrelated, yes. But they are in FreeBSD to satisfy build dependencies,
not with a generic purpose.

Robert Millan

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