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Re: zfsutils library packages

Hi Robert,

On 24.11.2013 13:26, Robert Millan wrote:
> IIRC we don't provide -dev packages because their ABI is not stable.
> Nobody outside of zfsutils uses them, and judging by the dependencies in
> upstream source tree, it seems there are no candidates to use them
> (other than zfsutils):

We provide those libraries by policy. The Debian policy requires that
libraries are proper versioned and the name of the binary package
changes whenever the SONAME changes. This does not really apply to us
here, because we're the only consumers of these libraries, but since we
install them to /lib we pretend it was a public library.

I think it's a good idea to get rid of these libraries, and if you look
into the list archives I already put some effort into that during the
Wheezy cycle. However, bundling these libraries either means

a) that we statically link them into the binaries

b) that we install the library in a private location which is not looked
up by a standard linker, e.g. /lib/zfs.

I think there were concerns regarding a) last time, leaving us choice
b). However, the build system doesn't exactly make it easy to do so I

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
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