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On 24/11/2013 06:02, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> Take that up with FreeBSD Project, the upstream of the FreeBSD kernel.
> There is nothing that Debian can do here.
> Debian simply takes upstreams and puts them together in a usable
> binary distribution.

Furthermore, we have very good relation with the FreeBSD project. They
often help us with problems that affect our port. We contribute back
with bug reports, patches/bugfixes and feedback of janitor tasks done in
Debian (e.g. ABI stability in freebsd-libs).

There's no use in keeping all this to ourselves. The patchset is still
quite large. I've done a lot of work in reducing it over the past years.
Part of it involved the creation of a lot of glue code/headers (c.f.
freebsd-glue), and part of it involved working with upstream to get our
patches merged.

Overall, I think this has proven quite useful in making updates manageable.

Robert Millan

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