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Re: haxe & kfreebsd buildd

Jens Peter Secher <jps@debian.org> writes:
> Hi, it seem that mehdi@debian.org has somehow requested that haxe is
> removed from testing.  I assume it is because it does not build on
> kfreebsd.  (Is it?)
> Now, when I build the package manually on kfreebsd-amd64, it works fine.
> There have been such buildd problems before with the exact same error
> message.

It fails in a local kfreebsd-i386 (kvm based) exactly the same way -- so
it seems to be rather reproducible. Have you tried building it on the
porterbox (io.debian.net) ?



Attachment: haxe_2.7+20110131-3_kfreebsd-i386.build
Description: Binary data

9FED 5C6C E206 B70A 5857  70CA 9655 22B9 D49A E731
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Attachment: pgp8Hpas84Tm1.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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