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Re: Some more questions from my kFreeBSD talk at FOSDEM

I'm also not totally satisfied with the answers given so far, e.g.:

| Q. Do standard programs run under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD using the Linux
| Compatibility Layer?
| A. No.

Q. Why not?


Oh, And Petr: I would rephrase that question back to "Do _Linux_
programs run under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD using the Linux Compatibility
Layer?" I have no idea what you meant with "standard" programs.

So rephrase question in a different way.

Q: Which syscall kernel interface is used by binaries compiled
   for Debian GNU/kFreeBSD ?

A: The native FreeBSD one.

Q: Is it possible to run FreeBSD binaries under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD kernel ?

A: Yes, please just use the full chroot with FreeBSD libraries.

Q: Is it possible to run Linux binaries under Debian GNU/kFreeBSD kernel ?

A: It is untested, but it should be, as long as standard FreeBSD
   Linux Compatibility Layer is sufficient.
   Some symlinks might be missing. May be even linux-i386 chroot
   under kfreebsd-amd64 and kfreebsd-i386 works.

At least simple static Linux binaries run under our kernel,
but I didn't test it more, like

debootstrap --arch=i386 sid ./linux-chroot http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian


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