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Re: [busybox on kbsd] patches ported to 1.14
[ Re: kfreebsd problem]
[Porting] Packages needed by DSA
Re: [ [PATCH] Fail gracefuly when attempting to load 64-bit kFreeBSD on IA32 CPU]
[ [PATCH] Fail gracefuly when attempting to load 64-bit kFreeBSD on IA32 CPU]
Any chance of raising priority?
Bug#274747: dependency on dpkg-dev is not required for provides
Bug#549412: freebsd-utils: fails to mount nfs: mount_nfs not found
Bug#549871: Devfs / VFS NULL pointer race condition
Bug#549871: marked as done (Devfs / VFS NULL pointer race condition)
Re: Bug#550217: wget: Uninstallable, contains dir.gz
Re: Bug#550361: gdb: Cannot access memory at address 0x5
Bug#550398: Spanish Dvorak keyboard layout for kbdcontrol
Bug#550429: kfreebsd-7: add BOOTP kernel options for NFS Root support
Bug#550987: upcoming GRUB command interface change affects GNU/kFreeBSD
Re: Bug#551024: nmu: libdrm_2.4.14-1 is still needed on kfreebsd-*
Bug#551702: kfreebsd-image-7.2-1-486: nfs locking not functional
Bug#552432: RM: gnome-user-share [kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64] -- NBS; Needs porting
Bug#552437: RM: gnome-power-manager [kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64] -- NBS; Needs porting
Re: debian-installer for GNU/kFreeBSD
ed0 instead em0
Install kfreebsd-i386 using squeeze/testing
kfreebsd-7 7.2-9 MIGRATED to testing
kfreebsd-kernel-headers 0.42 MIGRATED to testing
netgraph's ngctl
openobex with bluetooth on kFreeBSD
Possible problems in your Debian packages
Problem with the port of Debian/kfreeBSD Installer
Processed: Re: Bug#549871: Devfs / VFS NULL pointer race condition
python issues
Some binary blobs in kfreebsd-7.2
State of IPv6 on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Thank you
Verification Number:EM-389-6373,FGN/P-073-92,CHRISTMAS AWARD
WM-can't input user name
Working Java IDE
xserver-xorg-video-intel and libpthread-stubs0
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