On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 08:15:04AM -0700, Joel Baker wrote: > On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 11:01:49AM +0100, David Weinehall wrote: > > > Of course, I don't really think we should merit religious nonsense with > > the honour of giving name to the products of Debian labour anyway... > > And if we do, let's choose one of the religions noone believes in... > > Branden's second proposal of using something from Pratchett did have a > > nice ring to it, and then there's always the valar. > > Actually, given that I'm a long-time and deep-seated Tolkien geek, I rather > like the notion of using the Valar - they're fictional, and Tolkien's work > isn't yet out from under copyright, but they *are* reasonably well-known > (Okay, not as well as Pratchett, but better than Christian demonology), > and if we're liable to get in trouble over using just the names, we should > probably strongly reconsider our use of Toy Story character names for > tagging distributions... > > Suppose it's time to dig out my reference books and see if I can come up > with a suitable set of names out of that mythos. > > Besides, using Tolkien names is a long geek tradition. Having cheated and grabbed an online resource for it from Google, the following possibilities show up (my apologies for the lack of accents; I can't easily input UTF-8 on this terminal): FreeBSD: No primary Vala names begin with 'F', but many alternate names do, as do a great many other names of honor in the Tolkien mythos NetBSD: Namo (Vala of destiny, prophecy, and the Halls of the Dead) Nessa (Valie of the woods) Nieliqui (daughter of Orome; see OpenBSD) Nienna (Valie of pity and lament; Gandalf/Mithrandir was one of her students) OpenBSD: Omar (Vala of music) Orome (Vala of the hunt, teacher of elves) This is by no means a complete list; it includes none of the Maiar, nor any of the names of characters elevated from less powerful races. Personally, while I can't speak for the FreeBSD or OpenBSD folks, I'd cast a vote for Nienna, for the NetBSD port using kernel+libc; the name is one of the better known ones, and is a far cry from anything remotely 'evil'. It also leaves at least 3 other 'N' names available for the port currently known as Debian GNU/KNetBSD. -- Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org> ,''`. Debian GNU/KLNetBSD(i386) porter : :' : `. `' `-
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