On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 04:21:04PM -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote: > > Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org> writes: > >> I haven't been following too closely. Could someone explain what the > >> issue is? Obviously XFree works fine on NetBSD -- I'm using it at this > >> very moment. Given that it works fine on NetBSD, what's the issue? > > > > Crucial issues mostly amounted to differences between libraries linked to > > on NetBSD and those linked to by default under Linux (which, prior to the > > patches, XFree86 assumed for Debian). > [...] > > Apart from that, it was mostly stuff like "where do man pages live", "how > > do I call <X> userland utility", etc - most of that is in the NetBSD.cf > > patch. > > Okay, so it wasn't functional issues, it was integration issues. Gotcha. Pretty much, yes; what few things were functional issues were generally (obviously) broken in the XFree86 tree, and usually were assumptions that had been safely true until... well, until we came along, really. :) I believe most or all of those were fixed upstream, and the patches may no longer be in the tree; like I said, it's been a year or so. -- Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org> ,''`. Debian GNU NetBSD/i386 porter : :' : `. `' `-
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