I've been contacted by a member of the NetBSD team, who expressed that the general opinion seems to be that "Debian GNU/KNetBSD" is a better name for the port than "Debian GNU/NetBSD", both because it is more specific about what's going on, and because it doesn't dilute the NetBSD trademark. While the former is less true of, say, my work, the latter is certainly a valid concern. Of course, this leads to the question of naming things for the ports that use native libc rather than GNU libc. KLNetBSD (Kernel + Libc)? KCNetBSD (Kernel + libC, Kernel + Core)? CNetBSD (Core)? Debian GNU/MostlyNetBSD? NotQuiteNetBSD? :) But seriously - since it is not unreasonable to view "NetBSD" as not only /usr/src, but /usr/pkgsrc and the bug system and everything the project does, is there some meaningful way of representing what pieces we *are* using, for those of us using the kernel and libc? -- Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org> ,''`. Debian GNU NetBSD/i386 porter : :' : `. `' `-
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