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Re: Autoconf build targets

On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 04:57:45PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * matthew green 
> | /usr/lib/freebsd/bin seems gross to me.
> it's not worse than having /usr/lib/news/bin, which exists today.
> : tfheen@arabella /usr/lib > ls -d */bin
> egnome/bin/  j2re1.3/bin/   kaffe/bin/    news/bin/        smalleiffel/bin/
> egtk/bin/    j2sdk1.3/bin/  mailman/bin/  postgresql/bin/  xcdroast-0.98/bin/
> : tfheen@arabella /usr/lib > 
> so it would actually be following normal practice.


1) The proper place for 'binaries not meant to be called by normal users'
is, in theory, 'libexec' (probably meaning /usr/libexec for most things).

2) The current FHS doesn't have #1, so the next most proper place for it
would, indeed, be somewhere under /usr/lib (/usr/lib/freebsd being a fairly
obvious choice). As noted above, having 'bin' under lib is fine for things
that aren't mostly for user running.

3) There have been at least two massive threads on debian-devel on this
already. Can we try to avoid a third? Unless and until the freebsd port
is ready to release (by which time things may be saner), it can be put
in /frobitz and it really won't matter...
Joel Baker                           System Administrator - lightbearer.com
lucifer@lightbearer.com              http://users.lightbearer.com/lucifer/

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