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Re: debian-installer/netcfg: Netplan support feedback

Hello Cyril, Phil and others,

Am 20.02.24 um 02:28 schrieb Cyril Brulebois:
I'll try and get around to testing this soon-ish, then merge and upload
if that goes fine.

Thanks for the helpful discussion we've had so far on this topic!
I've rebuild a new image today locally, to re-test my Netplan enablement changes.
My old image (from February) didn't work anymore due to the new kernel version in unstable.

Turns out d-i was unable to finish the installation, due to installability issues of packages in the target system, especially systemd-sysv vs libssl3 in this case. The archive is still very much in flux and this is probably also why we still see d-i daily build failures [0] (but its looking much better already!) and Salsa-CI failures for d-i [1].

I understand Cyril and Phil still being busy with resolving those and related issues. But if you need a break from that work, or anybody else wants to test the Netplan+D-I integration, I prepared a little write-up walking you through the Netplan enabled D-I installation process:


Any feedback would be appreciated!


PS: I prepared this demo walk-through on Bookwork, due to the archive/installability issues mentioned above.

[0] https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/daily-build-overview.html
[1] https://salsa.debian.org/philh/netcfg/-/pipelines/658597

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