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Bug#731859: Still broken

variant=fakechroot still fails in testing, but it apparently fails in a different way. (Do I need a new bug report?)

`fakeroot fakechroot debootstrap --variant=fakechroot testing testing` fails.

Whereas `fakeroot fakechroot debootstrap --variant=minbase testing testing` succeeds.

But at this point I have to ask what the purpose of variant=fakechroot is in the first place, as it can only be run with `fakeroot fakechroot` anyway.

$ debootstrap --variant=fakechroot testing testing
E: debootstrap can only run as root

$ fakeroot debootstrap --variant=fakechroot testing testing
E: This variant requires fakechroot environment to be started

So the only way to run a debootstrap is to either use `fakeroot fakechroot` with variant=minbase, or as root.

debootstrap 1.0.134

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