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Re: Shipping the mini.iso files with the installer-images package?

Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> writes:

> Hi,
> I just created
> https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/debian-installer-netboot-images/-/merge_requests/3,
> which removes the "grep -v mini.iso" from the "get-images.sh" script.
> The idea being that it can be useful to have a mini.iso available
> locally in case you want to install a VM with libvirt. While it's
> possible to PXE boot a VM and install that way, this involves some
> infrastructure that needs to be set up, and pointing to a .iso file that
> exists locally seems easier.
> I usually have a netboot mini.iso file in my home directory for that
> purpose, but it needs to be kept up to date with every point release,
> and that's a bit of an annoyance. I think it would be easier to just
> have it in the debian-installer-netboot-images package.

I presume you're currently downloading a published mini.iso, rather than
building them locally, is that right?

Rather than packaging up the mini.iso's, how about having a package that
acts as an installer, and downloads the published image that matches the
relevant kerrnel version.

The reason I think that might be worth the effort is that I suspect that
quite a lot of the mini.iso's would have almost no users (depending on
architecture etc), so copying them across the whole mirror network seems
like a significant waste of resources.

Personally, I tend to use the netinst for the purpose you describe, and
think that it might be quite useful to have a package that would
maintain a copy of the current image on my systems, so such a package
could be more widely useful than just for mini.iso downloads.

The 'di-netboot-assistant' package does something a bit like this (and
much more, for TFTP booting), so perhaps it could be extended for this
use case, although I think it currently only downloads stuff in response
to user requests, rather than automatically on upgrade.

Cheers, Phil.
Philip Hands -- https://hands.com/~phil

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