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Re: usr-merge in debian-installer

On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 06:06:00PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>I just built updated installation images for Debian Ports and noticed that the
>generated /init script tried to start "start-udev" from /lib/debian-installer/
>instead of /usr/lib/debian-installer which naturally fails.
>I could figure out so far where the path names for tools in the /init script
>are set.
>Does anyone have any idea where to look?

I've just merged
from Helmut (thanks!) which should in theory do everything we need.

The first salsa CI build has failed after that merge, but AFAICS this
isn't to blame...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
  Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
  must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
  far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
  knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

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