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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Issue with preseeded install - cannot skip apt media scanning

Naaaah, really edge case, which also should be handled differently (imho). If someone has limited/poor/no internet connection, then one should use media with most (all?) packages.
Next, after succesfull install updates should be applied using local repository (eg. apt-cacher) which addresses poor network connectivity.
For this reason we have following check in 41cdset generator script:
if [ ! -e /cdrom/.disk/cd_type ] || [ ! -e /var/lib/install-cd.id ]; then
	exit 0

# Various different image types look different here:
# Image Type                       cd_type
# netinst                          "not_complete"
# full CD sets (default desktop)   "full_cd"
# desktop-specific CD images       "full_cd/single"
# DVD                              "dvd"
# bluray                           "bluray"
# multi-arch CD/DVD                "not_complete"
# live                             "live"
# It can make sense to offer to scan more media here in most cases,
# but... on live or blu-ray it's unlikely to help; the
# desktop-specific image is designed specifically to work with only a
# single image. Hopefully the following makes sense.
# Images written to USB pen drives still need better support
# too... :-(
cd_type=$(cat /cdrom/.disk/cd_type)
Warm regards,

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