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Bug#975524: task-lxqt-desktop: Should depend on nm-tray and blueman

Control: reassign -1 lxqt
Control: retitle -1 cmst/connman system-tray applet: please start automatically when installed

Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org> wrote:
> Hmm, yes, cmst gets installed, when doing a installation and selecting the
> lxqt-task-desktop task.
> However, I see no "network-manager applet" - or whatever you call it - in the tray.
> And in the "Configure Panel" dialog I also see no widget, that could be added for
> network-manager or similar.
> So, what to do here?
> Any help for debugging?

Ok, I found that cmst is not started automatically, even when installed.
You can start it manually and then click 'Minimize' to sent it to the tray
(it's named 'Connman UI Setup' in the 'Internet' menu).

Maybe it should be automatically added to the 'Autostart' list of
'Session Settings'? 
Users might not be aware of, that they have to start it by hand, since other 
system tray widgets *are*automatically*started*, when installed.

I have manually added it to Autostart as 'cmst -m -w 6' command.
Works fine that way.

Retitle and reassign to lxqt.


Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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