Re: [installer l10n statistics] l10nstats re-activated
Holger Wansing <> wrote:
> Hi,
> a small note FYI:
> I worked on re-activating l10nstats, to get translation statistics for the
> installer back.
> The changings implied the move from Alioth to Salsa, and also a dist upgrade
> vom Wheezy to Stretch.
> Finally, there are still some bits not fixed (like spellchecking, which is a
> separate cron job; and documentation: I would like to update the docs/comments
> in the gen-stats script), but statistics functionality is back.
> Yesterday I pushed my final changings.
> Last night the cron job broke, because I forgot two changes, which I added
> just now.
> But now, l10nstat should be back online.
Some more notes:
- the grub package will need some adaptions in l10nstat (grub is tricky, since
the source package is named grub2, but in the tarball it is grub)
- currently there seems to be no upstream repository for eject.
It still points to (which
is Alioth).
I have already filed a bug on this some days ago ...
- When things are running well for some time, I will change the references to
"cvs" into "vcs" ...
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