Re: webpages sync for broken on dillon
Cyril Brulebois <> wrote:
> I'm not sure. ISTR having seen mentioned on IRC that one of the hosts
> behind static hit ENOSPC. It might be that some jobs failed to detect
> that and are hanging forever since? (ps says started Jun 15.)
> Anyway, AFAICT, alioth shouldn't be on the push-to-static path.
Yes, I cannot find any reference to Alioth here.
BTW: the relevant scripts for that live in /usr/local/bin/ and are
not versionized AFAICS.
Should we pull them into our repo and create symlinks to them, as I did
with the others today?
> > What's the correct way to fix this?
> > Call DSA for this?
> > Or kill the processes and see what happens?
> > I personally feel somewhat uncomfortable doing such things ...
> Apparently we can only kill the master processes (which I just did),
> which then forks and sudoes to staticsync. I don't think child processes
> will notice or care, and they might hang around… I'll get in touch with
> debian-admin@ later today.
Perfect. Thanks
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