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Re: Bug#901255: netcfg-static: Unable to configure fe80::1 as a gateway

Bjørn Mork, le mar. 12 juin 2018 14:12:28 +0200, a ecrit:
> Samuel Thibault <sthibault@debian.org> writes:
> > Bjørn Mork, le mar. 12 juin 2018 13:30:39 +0200, a ecrit:
> >> But this will:
> >> 
> >> frtest3:~# ip route add 2001:db8:f00::1/128 dev eth1
> >
> > So this is a route, which can be checked for.
> No, it is a route you can safely add.

Ok, then netcfg-static needs to be improved to do that.

> But I think we are running in circles now.

We aren't.

> let's just flag the Debian IPv6 implementation as broken on this point
> and move on.

And let it stay broken at vitam æternam?...

It's a matter of someone fixing the code.  It seems Igor Scheller is
happy to work on it, he just needs a way forward, not being only told
that what is currently there is nonsense.


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