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Bug#764982: Backports, where is the danger (why the FUD)

On Apr 19, 2015, at 9:48 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

> Did you check if it really was back ports?

Yes. I've been using Debian GNU/Linux since.. 'bo' or something and a DD since
'97 or so. I know what I'm doing (98% of the time :).

> I use backports on all machines I care about, and I never had dependency
> problems from backports (so far I remember).

Good for you. Maybe it's better now, but my opinion still stands. Because of
the reason I've already mentioned, but also because it's not maintained and
tested as well (as KiBi said).

If someone wants newer version, they can (should!) upgrade to the newer
distribution. OR, if they're brave, use back ports.

> If you don't want backports for some reason, is easy to disable them in
> sources.list.

Why!? Why should _I_ adapt to YOUR opinion? What makes you think that YOUR
opinion is the only, correct one??

Debian GNU/Linux don't enable contrib and non-free by default (or does it
now, haven't checked). And yet _I_ choose to use packages from there. Why
shouldn't EVERYONE be 'forced' to disable that, just to accommodate me?!

Same with back ports. They're not really part of the Debian GNU/Linux
distribution. Only 'main' is. The're all provided on the Debian GNU/Linux
servers, but they're not the official distribution. So only 'main' should
be enabled by default by the installer.

Besides, why are you still arguing about this? The decision have been made.
Live with it. If you really, really think this decision is in error, then
lobby for changing it in the next release. Now, the discussion is moot and
pointless - "suck it up".

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