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Remaster amd64 iso to include some i386 packages?

Hey guys,  I've created remastered lenny and squeeze install isos for our
org in the past,  but we've since moved to amd64 as our main platform,  and
I have some questions about trying to manually create a multiarch iso.

Previously,  I would do a vanilla install,  clean up apt,  then do any
system updates,  as well as our own packages.  Then pull everything out of
/var/cache/apt/archives and create a mini repo using dpkg-scanpackages.
Then define that repo in the preseed file.

This all worked well enough with a single i386 arch,  but I'm wondering if
apt/dpkg is smart enough for me to do the same with a base amd64 install,
then enable i386 support?  

I'd turn on i386 support and install any additional files via
preseed/late_command.  But do I need some kind of separate setup/pool for
the i386 packages?


Ryan Braun
Defence Weather Services
Chief Information Officer Branch, Environment Canada
CIV: 204-833-2500x2625 CSN: 257-2625 FAX: 204-833-2558
E-Mail: Ryan.Braun@ec.gc.ca

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