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Re: default desktop: availability on all arches

On 10/09/14 07:40, Adam Borowski wrote:
> I think the "DebianDesktop requalification" table lacks an important
> row: the availability of the desktop environment in question on all
> Debian architectures.

Not everyone has been persuaded on that principle yet :P  But on
kfreebsd CDs we can at least override the default desktop if it's
something we don't have.

Let's discuss your other point about 3D acceleration though:

> llvmpipe is not a strict requirement, but I have yet to find a non-x86
> opengl driver that gnome's compositor can work with.  I tried:
> * an A10 laptop with non-free unpackaged Mali blob
> * Exynos4412 hardkernel, unpackaged opengl drivers
> * chroot on Raspberry Pi, non-free Broadcom stuff
> * qemu stuff has no accelerated opengl either

What happens otherwise if trying to start GNOME3 (or others)?
* without 3D, with llvmpipe
* without both

Does it fall back gracefully to a fallback/flashback mode, and does that
still work these days?  In this mode would it still meet the
'accessibility' or other criteria already on the Wiki page?

> Thus, it's safe to say anyone with a non-Nvidia non-Radeon non-Intel GPU
> will need llvmpipe.

The Radeon users would need to be using non-free microcode too I guess?

> I'd say the default desktop environment should work on almost all setups.

Yes, surely.

Steven Chamberlain

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