Processed: Re: Bug#726538: partman-md: Should rescan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Processing commands for
> reassign 726538 rescue-mode
Bug #726538 [partman-md] partman-md: Should rescan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Bug reassigned from package 'partman-md' to 'rescue-mode'.
No longer marked as found in versions partman-md/67.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #726538 to the same values previously set
> retitle 726538 rescue-mode: Should scan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Bug #726538 [rescue-mode] partman-md: Should rescan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Changed Bug title to 'rescue-mode: Should scan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it' from 'partman-md: Should rescan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it'
> found 726538 rescue-mode/1.41
Bug #726538 [rescue-mode] rescue-mode: Should scan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
The source rescue-mode and version 1.41 do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions rescue-mode/1.41.
> forcemerge 484263 726538
Bug #484263 [rescue-mode] rescue-mode: Does not support RAID+LUKS setups
Bug #484263 [rescue-mode] rescue-mode: Does not support RAID+LUKS setups
The source rescue-mode and version 1.41 do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions rescue-mode/1.41.
Bug #726538 [rescue-mode] rescue-mode: Should scan for encrypted volumes on top of raid after assembling it
Severity set to 'minor' from 'normal'
The source rescue-mode and version 1.41 do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions rescue/1.15.
Merged 484263 726538
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
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