Bug#725400: installation-guide-amd64: Add notes about 'ncurses-term' into "D.3.4. Configure The Base System" section.
Package: installation-guide-amd64
Version: 20130503
Severity: normal
"D.3.4. Configure The Base System" say:
After chrooting you may need to set the terminal definition to be compatible
with the Debian base system, for example:
# export TERM=xterm-color
In Emacs M-x term RET I have TERM=eterm-color.
In main system I search:
desktop+bash# apt-file search eterm-color
ncurses-term: /usr/share/terminfo/e/eterm-color
So after installing:
# apt-get install ncurses-term
in chroot I can run mc and dpkg-reconfigure ncurses menus without problems!
Please add notes about 'ncurses-term' for better user experience for making
Debian installation in Emacs and possibly another non-usual terminals...
Best regards!
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