Bug#725398: installation-guide-amd64: Missing instruction to prevent: /sbin/MAKEDEV: warning: can't read /proc/devices
Package: installation-guide-amd64
Version: 20130503
Severity: normal
I perform instruction in order to install fresh Debian by debootstrap. The
"D.3.4.1. Create device files" say:
# apt-get install makedev
# cd /dev
# MAKEDEV generic
After "MAKEDEV generic" I get a lot of:
/sbin/MAKEDEV: warning: can't read /proc/devices
Also I read https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap and this page guide to mount
/proc and /sys:
main # echo "proc $MY_CHROOT/proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
main # mount proc $MY_CHROOT/proc -t proc
main # echo "sysfs $MY_CHROOT/sys sysfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
main # mount sysfs $MY_CHROOT/sys -t sysfs
Instead I create /etc/fstab:
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
and mount in chroot:
root@desktop:/dev# mount /proc
root@desktop:/dev# mount /sys
so MAKEDEV generic no longer warn about "can't read"...
Please clarify "D.3.4.1. Create device files" section to avoid error printing
Best regards!
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