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Bug#703404: debootstrap wheezy Release InRelease error

This is biting me too.
I am trying to do a virt-install on a KVM host.

virt-install --os-type=linux --os-variant=debianwheezy \
--location=http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/ [...more args]

In trying to get a working system, and expanding on suggestions of Jens Stimpfle, I tried to prevent the Release file getting overwritten:
Executing a shell...
# chroot /target
# rm /var/lib/apt/lists/cdn.debian.net_debian_dists_wheezy_Release
# apt-get update
# chattr +i /var/lib/apt/lists/cdn.debian.net_debian_dists_wheezy_Release
Logout and then retry the Base installation step.

Now "The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1)."

From syslog:
Mar 21 21:51:32 debootstrap: mv: can't rename 'debootstrap.invalid_dists_wheezy_Release': Operation not permitted

If I further
# chattr +i /var/lib/apt/lists/debootstrap.invalid_dists_wheezy_Release
I get in syslog:
Mar 22 00:07:49 debootstrap: mv: can't rename '/target/var/lib/apt/lists/debootstrap.invalid_dists_wheezy_InRelease': Operation not permitted

So this is my theory:
At some point a debootstrap.invalid_dists_wheezy_InRelease is downloaded form the repository InRelease file. It is then renamed to debootstrap.invalid_dists_wheezy_Release with signature intact, and that is in turn renamed to cdn.debian.net_debian_dists_wheezy_Release.

Seems like it could possibly be a globbing error.

(I'm suspicious about debootstrap and its /usr/share/debootstrap/functions but don't have enough bash-fu to understand it.)

Sebastian Bengtsson

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