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Re: [d-i alpha1 I18N] Untranslated menu entry regarding speech synthesizer


Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org> wrote:
> I think that Holger will probably see something like "Falling back to
> the package description for espeakup-udeb" in /var/log/syslog. This
> should appear when espeakup-udeb is loaded, which should happen when
> main-menu is first loaded as espeakup-udeb is on the netboot ISO
> image, so loaded as early as possible.
> Holger, could you check this? Just need to go to VT2 after booting the
> installer and go back to the main menu from (I guess) the first
> question you get.

Yes, "INFO: Falling back to the package description for espeakup-udeb"
is in the syslog, multiple times.


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