Bug#655099: It seems to b a parted bug
Doing some searching, I found bug #602568, which seems to have much in
relation with this issue. Taking some hints from there, I found that
the issue seems to be a parted problem related to the small additional
USB stick mentioned in my message #1 as "Other USB stick".
Trying to use parted from the testing-installer, I get the error
messages below, reporting a bug in parted.
Without this USB stick present, installation of squeze
(where I originally met the problem) progresses past partitioning
as expected, without problems. I.e.: I am able to partition, format
partitions and choose mount points.
Some of the issues raised in 602568 still seems to be open, see message
#81 in that thread. The failure of parted is not detected or properly
reported by the installer (or the layers between the installer and
parted). That must be fixed.
There is also a new parted bug, it seems. As in #605286 there is an
assertion, but it is in another function.
Please advice on how to proceed: Should this bug be changed to some
parted package, or should I open a coupl of new bugs?
With kind regards
Asbjørn S.
Error message using parted in debian installer on small USB stick:
debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso, dated 20120114-15:10
During installation, entered below command from a console.
Command: parted /dev/sdd unit co print unit s print
You found a bug in GNU Parted! Here's what you have to do:
Don't panic! The bug has most likely not affected any of your data.
Help us to fix this bug by doing the following:
Check whether the bug has already been fixed by checking
the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at:
Please check this version prior to bug reporting.
If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check,
please visit the GNU Parted website:
for further information.
Your report should contain the version of this release (2.3)
along with the error message below, the output of
parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print
and the following history of commands you entered.
Also include any additional information about your setup you
consider important.
Assertion (head_size <= 63) at ../../../libparted/labels/dos.c:662 in function
probe_partition_for_geom() failed.
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