On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 21:49, Richard
<richard.bown@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> >> Hi, I'm still having trouble understanding exactly where you're trying
> >> to say this problem happens. But anyway, it would be better to submit
> >> this as a bug against the debian-installer package. Make sure to
> >> describe exactly the menu items you're selecting (text install,
> >> graphic, expert?), and even describe the screens that do work so we
> >> can get a feel for where this happens.
It seems you're using another distribution as a workaround until we fix debian-installer so people grab the following information to us:
Please run:
lsusb -v > lsusb.txt
lspci -knn > lspci.txt
lsmod > lsmod.txt
dmsg > dmesg.txt
and send those attached, and gzipped, to this mail please.