Re: debian-installer: armhf initial work
2011/4/20 Jeremiah C. Foster <>:
> It might be nice to get some information and updates about your
> progress so people can test and help out if needed.
I proceeded and added some changes to relevant packages (see IRC log
or check git commits).
I added armhf to flash-kernel master, but it needs some work on (which
I plan to do, but any help is welcome):
* Work out hooks on upgrades (#550584)
* Add support for U-Boot script files
* Add Efika targets (#612376)
partman-auto is still pending, I need to review partman recipes.
linux-{modules,image}-di-armhf-2.6, I have a local copy, I was about
to create git trees for them, but official linux kernel support is
still pending (#621032), so there is no real hurry. I also don't know
if packages for non-official architectures should live there with the
official tree. If someone could clarify it would be helpful.
As a general note, current status on armhf port can be seen at:
Best regards,
Héctor Orón -.. . -... .. .- -. -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.
"Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar
System, which one day will disconnect us."
-- Day DVB-T stop working nicely
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