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Re: DI and chroot

Sameer Rahmani <lxsameer@gmail.com> writes:


> i work with live helper . in live helper before building whole iso ,
> live helper prepare a chroot environment for you to add or changed the
> things that you want in addition to the live helper configuration
> . and then make a live cd from that chroot environment (and it can add
> a debian installer in your CDD) . i want to know does DI do such thing
> ( i know it does ) but i don't know how .


live-helper and regular installer CDs are quite different. The installer
itself works more like a regular CD. It has the udebs to be grabbed
during the installation process and also uses a initrd image to start
the installation.

So depending on what you wish to do you'd have four possibilities:

 - use a preseeding file (look at presseding in Installation Guide)
 - add a specific installer module at the CD image
 - add a modified installer module at the CD image
 - mangle the initrd of the installer

Without a full understand of what you'd be willing to modify, we can't
guess what you'd need to do. I suggest to you to take a full read in
installation guide to understand what the installer is capable to do and
then start your research with that in mind.

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
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