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Re: debconf8 bof: building debian from debian

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Henning Sprang <henning_sprang@gmx.de> wrote:
> Holger Levsen wrote:
>>> people interested in the following tools or similar tools would be
>>> valuable to the discussion: debian-installer debian-cd simple-cdd
>>> debian-live xen-tools util-vserver pbuilder cdebootstrap debootstrap
> I'll not be there as of the current state of my planning, but I guess I have
> some notes and points for some of those, in case somebody is interested.
> (not subscribed to debian-boot but will if this discussion goes further and
> takes place there)
> Henning

I wish to attend to this bof, Im intrested in almost all tools
mentioned in the list.

BR Christoffer Jerkeby

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