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Re: [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianInstaller/GitMigration" by OtavioSalvador

> + == Workflow ==
> + 
> +  * d-i submodule
> +    * automated commits hourly
> +    * tags on every release (like 1.0-beta1 1.0-beta2 1.0-rc1 1.0)
> +  * other .git repositories
> +    * would be used by every d-i team hacker to improve the whole installer
> + 
> +  * d-i-translation
> +    * would be a Subversion repository with master files

Not only master files.

The l10n process is as follows:

- update templates.pot in debian/po directories of D-I packages under

- merge them in a giant templates.pot in packages/po

- merge packages/po/*.po with that templates.pot

- for each language, update debian/po/<lang>.po from the language's
  master file

So, as you see, we need a reference for the entire packages/ tree, for

In short, translators only commit to the packages/po directory, for
sure....so havin a SVN for that directory only is OK.

But, the l10n-sync script does commits in every package debian/po
directory and, here, it needs to know where to commit. Of course,
*this* can be a git branch as the l10n-sync script is under the
control of one person only (the l10n coordinator).

That could be the d-i submodule you're talking about, though.

PS: we really should use this occasion to recruit a backup l10n
coordinator as seppy is now really confirmed as MIA. I would need
someone who understands the l10n-sync and gen-stats scripts and
receives their output so that (s)he can correct problems when they occur.

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