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Bug#455485: go static at the fourth interface

Op 10-12-2007 om 13:34 schreef Frans Pop:
> On Monday 10 December 2007, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > When a computer has more then two network interface cards,
> > it is very likely that static configuration is wanted.
> This is absolute nonsense, for example in the following, fairly common 
> situation:
> - 1 on-board wired Ethernet NIC
> - 1 Firewire NIC
> - 1 wireless NIC

"going static" could indeed be triggered when more than tree NICs are
seen, or check _ethernet_ NICs.

Geert Stappers
"absolute nonsense" is spending time with people who say
that a (less?) reasonable proposal is absolute nonsense ...

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