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Re: the future of the netinst image

On Sun, Mar 25, 2007 at 11:53:36AM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> 	First, it's misnamed.  People expect it to somehow involve booting  
> from the LAN, which it doesn't.  That confuses people.  Once they get  
> that figured out, the existence of a "network install" CD makes them  
> wonder what the "businesscard" CD is, if not a network install CD.   
> That confuses people.

So propose a better name?  Debian has been providing "netinst" images longer
than it's been providing "businesscard" images, though; yes, there is some
confusion about the difference between net*inst* and net*boot*, but I don't
think that's a good reason to eliminate a very useful media type.

> 	Second, it's significantly larger (factor of 3) than the  
> "businesscard" image, but still not complete -- even for a small  
> server (non-X) install.  You still need access to the Internet (or a  
> local mirror repository) to complete the installation.

And you have to download much less from the network than you would with a
businesscard.  If you're installing more than one machine and you don't have
a local mirror, the netinst download immediately pays for itself.

> 	Fourth, it's too big to download without broadband.

So are full DVD images.  So what?

> If you do have broadband, you still don't want the netinst image.

No, netinst is my image of choice for a quick download and install in a
broadband environment.  Unless I'm going to be doing an install in a
low-bandwidth situation, even the first full CD is likely to contain
packages not relevant to what I'm doing.

> 	Finally, nobody has a good idea of what should be on it.  It's  
> neither fish nor fowl, and everybody expects something different of  
> it.

Sorry for your confusion, but it's quite well documented what this image
contains and does.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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